adb shell screencap

From docs: Taking a device screenshot The screencap command is a shell utility for taking a screenshot of a device display. While in a shell, the syntax is: screencap <filename> To use the screencap from the command line, type the following: $ adb s

相關軟體 Icecream Screen Recorder 下載

Icecream Screen Recorder is an application for screen capture and taking screenshots. Icecream Screen Recorder can both take screenshots and capture video and you can even switch between these 2 modes...

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  • From docs: Taking a device screenshot The screencap command is a shell utility for taking ...
    ... to capture the screen as fast as possible through adb? ...
  • 跳到 Taking a device screenshot - The screencap command is a shell utility for taking a scr...
    ADB Shell Commands | Android Developers
  • adb shell screencap. taking a screenshot of a device display. adb shell screencap <file...
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  • taking a screenshot of a device display. adb shell screencap <filename> adb shell sc...
    adb shell screencap - Android ADB Shell Commands Manual ...
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  • 跳到 Take a screenshot - screencap filename. To use the screencap from the command line, ty...
    Android Debug Bridge (adb) | Android Studio - Android Developers
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  • 2014年6月7日 - 查看帮助命令bixiaopeng@bixiaopeng ~$ adb shell screencap -v screencap: invalid opti...
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    Android截图命令screencap - 毕小烦的学习笔记 - CSDN博客
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  • I'm trying to get a screenshot of the phone screen as fast as possible. Currently, I a...
    java - Using ADB to capture the screen - Stack Overflow
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